Unique recovering of a Lambertian curve by stereo-couple of images

Derevtsov Evgeny Yurievich
Scopus Author ID: 6507922492
Researcher ID: G-2452-2019
1. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 27.08.2024

Within the framework of statements of inverse problems of photometry, the problems of uniqueness of determining the location and luminosity of a curve, radiating by Lambert's law, are explored from its stereo-couple of images. The reasons for the ambiguity in determining the location of such curves are studied. We establish criteria for the uniqueness of the solution to the problem of recovering luminous curves by stereo-couples of images for arbitrary weight functions. The results are applied to specific families of weight functions that model the degree of transparency of a medium, its absorption or scattering.

УДК 517.44

Keywords: photometry, Lambertian curve, inverse problem, projection device, weight function, implicit equation, branching, attendant point.

References: Derevtsov E. Yu. Unique recovering of a Lambertian curve by stereo-couple of images. Mat. Trudy. 2024, 27, №3. P. 52–73. DOI: 10.25205/1560-750X-2024-27-3-52-73