- Mathematical works
- Authors guide
Authors guide
Articles containing new results in the field of fundamental mathematics and not of a review nature are accepted for publication in the journal "Mathematical Transactions".
The article should not contain overly detailed general arguments and repetitions. The total volume occupied by figures and (or) tables should not exceed 10% of the volume of the article. There are no restrictions on the length of the article. If the number of pages exceeds 60 (regular article style, 12pt), then it is recommended to break the article into parts.
- Articles previously published, as well as submitted to other publications, are not considered by the editorial board.
- Articles previously published in English are not accepted for publication.
- When submitting an article to the journal “Mathematical Transactions”, please confirm that the article has not been translated in any other printed publications.
- Please do not send articles that do not correspond to the journal’s profile.
- Authors are not charged for publishing articles.
Articles received by the editor must undergo peer review, and then the editorial board decides on the possibility of their publication in the journal. By submitting an article to the editors of the journal "Mathematical Works", the author (co-authors) transfers to the publisher, free of charge, for the duration of copyright under the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the exclusive right to use the article or a separate part of it (if the editorial board of the Journal accepts the article for publication) on the territory of all states where copyrights are protected by virtue of international treaties of the Russian Federation, including the following rights: reproduction, distribution, public display, communication to the public, translation into foreign languages (and the exclusive right to use works in the above ways) to grant all of the above rights to other persons. Simultaneously with the author's proofreading of the article, the author (co-authors) sends to the editor a signed license agreement (in 2 copies) for the right to use the scientific work in the journal (the agreement form can be downloaded here).
The manuscript of the article is submitted to the editor by email in the form of 2 files:
- source file in LaTeX format
- printed electronic file in ps or pdf format
To review, just send a ps-file (Postscript-file) or pdf-file. A file in MS Word is also acceptable at the review stage, but after accepting the article for publication, we ask the authors to be sure to translate the article into LaTeX format, taking into account the rules for formatting an article for the journal “Mathematical Transactions”. Articles containing drawings are considered only after agreement with the editor on technical issues related to the preparation of drawings. Be sure to accompany your drawings with the corresponding files. The text of the article must be written in Russian and carefully verified.
The text must be accompanied by information about all authors indicating:
- last name, first name and patronymic
- full postal address
- place of work, position, business address
- scientific degree, title
- SPIN code and AuthorID according to the Russian Science Citation Index
- Scopus Author ID
- email addresses, phone numbers
Everything specified is presented not only in Russian, but also necessarily in English. The covering (electronic) letter must indicate that the article is proposed for publication in the journal “Mathematical Transactions”.
In addition, the following standard information must be provided.
- A brief abstract of the article (no more than 2-7 sentences), which characterizes the problem under consideration and the results obtained. The abstract should not contain disabled formulas, new (entered by the author when typing) command sequences (especially with parameters), abbreviations and references to the bibliography.
- Key words and phrases (no more than 15 words).
- Link to financial support for the article by grants, if any.
- UDC index.
The title of the article, abstract, keywords, links to financial support of the article by grants and list of references should be submitted not only in Russian, but also in English (can be a separate file). Articles accepted for publication undergo editorial preparation, after which the text of the article is sent to the author for proofreading. Articles are published only after the editors receive an e-mail in which the author agrees with all edits. After the article is published in Russian, the article is translated (author's translations are also acceptable) and published in the journal Siberian Advances in Mathematics within 2 years.
Article design
Since the journal is published using the LaTeX macro package, the editors accept files prepared using the specified system in the article style. As a rule, we ask you to send:
- source file in LaTeX format
- printed file in ps or pdf format,
- picture files, if they are included in the article.
If there are no pictures, then the source file of the article must be one (not contain inclusions using commands like \input or \include, except for the generally accepted ones, i.e. one article one file). Please also refrain from using exotic (rarely used) or homemade packages and styles. Redefining command sequences is not encouraged. You should mostly use standard macro package tools.
The source file of the article, typed in LaTeX format, must begin with the commands:
\usepackage[cp866]{inputenc} % If you type in DOSe
\usepackage[cp1251]{inputenc} % If typing on Windows
\textwidth 14cm % or 140 mm - width of the text area
\textheight 21cm % or 210 mm - height of the text area
Drawings for the article must be black and white, made by the author using a computer and submitted to the editor in the form of files (a separate file for each drawing) in .eps or LaTeXe format. Graphic files should be named so that it is clear which author they belong to and what order they are located in (for example, Lotov1.eps, Lotov2.eps).
The actual size of the picture should not exceed 140 mm horizontally and 160 mm vertically. The caption text under the picture is not included in the picture file. In the main source file, the size of the pictures is set with the command \includegraphics[width=Ncm]{Fig1.eps}
Obviously, N is no more than 14 cm. The distance between the text and the picture should be no more than 2 text lines. All details of the image (lines, symbols, etc.) must be clear and meet accepted standards.
Text inscriptions in figures should be replaced with digital symbols (possibly with extension lines), which are explained in the captions under the figure or in the text of the article. A leader line ends with an arrow only if it points to a point feature. All inscriptions in the figures (axis designations, etc.) must be made in 12 pt font in the same style as in the text of the article (such as Times New Roman).
Mathematical symbols are written in italics, numbers on the axes and units of measurement are written in roman font. All fonts used must be included in the image file. It is advisable that the figures, if possible, follow the reference to them in the text.
Formulas and theorems, corollaries, remarks, etc. are numbered separately. Numbers are assigned only to those formulas that are referenced later in the text. Numbered formulas are located on separate lines, the formula number is placed at the right edge of the sheet. The use of Cyrillic alphabet should be avoided in formulas.
When transferring multi-line exclusion formulas, you must use generally accepted international rules for transferring such formulas, according to which the signs (+, , =, x) of the broken formula are written only once on the left side of the transferred part. Using quantifiers (\forall, \exists) in a sentence instead of words, interspersed with words, is bad style. In the complete absence of words, that is, in formulas, the use of quantifiers is permissible.
Formulate sentences so that adjacent formulas do not stick together (ins ert a word or phrase between them). It is highly undesirable to use space characters unnecessarily! A thin space sign "\" is placed before the differential in the integral: $\int\limits_0^1 f(x)\,dx$. Remove \limits from integrals. Lower the number of floors in fractions, use / instead of \frac or exponent -1. Replace the exponent e with its cumbersome superscript with \exp{}.
A few suggestions regarding the size of brackets:
- If inside a formula there are simultaneously used lower and upper indices, for example, $A_i^j$, then the brackets limiting such a formula are increased using the \bigl, \bigr commands for the left and right brackets, respectively. If sum, product or integral signs with upper and lower limits are used, for example $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}$, then the brackets are increased using the \left, \right commands.
- If there is only a subscript, for example, $\sum\limits_{n\in \Bbb N}$, then the commands \Bigl, \Bigr are used for the sum and product signs, and the commands \biggl are used for the integral sign, \biggr. In other words, if the formula is symmetrical, the commands \left, \right are used up and down, and in the case of asymmetry, the above commands are used. Fractions are always surrounded by parentheses with increasing \left,\right.
- If a formula contains several nested parentheses, it is recommended to increase the parentheses when moving from inner to outer parentheses. But you should not use increasing brackets unless necessary.
- It is advisable to type the disabled formula and text on different lines.
- Different formulas should be typed in different dollar signs, leaving a simple space between them.
- Punctuation marks are placed inside disabled formulas, but placed behind the dollar sign in lowercase formulas.
The text of the article must be carefully verified. It is forbidden to use the \sloppy command. We recommend using \documentclass[12pt, draft]{article} instead of \documentclass[12pt]{article} and eliminating Overfull and Underfull in the text and formulas yourself. Don't neglect to view the log file!
The ellipsis is always typed with the \dots command. Use the standard abbreviation "t. e." instead of “that is” and standard mathematical abbreviations such as p.v. etc. Non-standard abbreviations of frequently used expressions are also acceptable. They should be described using macro commands and entered in parentheses after the first use of the abbreviated expression.
In the text of the article, write the surnames and initials of foreign authors in Russian transcription! English words may only be used for clarification purposes and must be enclosed in parentheses. In definitions, only the words or phrases being defined should be in italics, i.e. \it (italic). The definition itself is typed in roman font.
Statements of theorems, lemmas, corollaries, etc. are highlighted in \sl (slanted) font so that the end of the statement is visible. Clearly mark the beginning and end of the evidence. Since adjectives in Russian differ in gender, we recommend adding nouns to adjectives to correctly determine the ending of adjectives. Words: such (oh, aya, etc.), any (oh, aya, oh, oh, etc.), etc., are recommended to be supplied with nouns to correctly determine the endings.
Do not overuse pronouns such as he, she, it, this, this, etc., so that there is no ambiguity in their understanding. The sentence should not start with a formula! If there is a subject expressed in a word in a sentence, the predicate must also be expressed in a word or phrase, and not hidden in a formula (by the way, you can separate it from the formula). A text dash is typed like this: ~--- ; dash between numbers --- in the form mm--nn. Don't confuse the hyphen (-) with the dash (---)! Don't overuse footnotes. Try to include all explanations in the main text.
Registration of the bibliography
A list of references is printed at the end of the article in the order in which references to literature appear in the text, regardless of their language. References to literature in the text are formatted using LaTeX commands. References to unpublished works are not recommended. When describing a link in a foreign language, all service elements of the description are given in that language. The list of references must be formatted using \bibitem and included in the main file of the article. If the text of the article does not contain a reference to any work from the list of references, then you should either make a reference in the text to this work or remove it from the list of references. Examples of bibliographic descriptions (PDF)Forming a link to an article
The following information must be provided.- Last name and initials of the author (or authors).
- Full title of the article (indicating the part number if the article consists of several parts).
- The name of the journal in abbreviated form.
- Year of publication. Indicated even in the case of “in print”.
- Journal volume.
- Journal number (issue), if any.
- The beginning and end pages of the article, separated by an en dash (--). The paragraph may be omitted only in the case of “in print.”
The name of the journal refers to the officially used Russian and English abbreviations of the cited journals, although they are far from obvious and figuring them out is not always a trivial task.
In addition, we remind you that along with the list of references, authors must provide its translation in to English. Below is the translation of the link to Russian-language article implies transliteration of the authors' full names, translation into English of the title of the article and that recording of the title of the Russian-language magazine in Latin, which is actually used in Western literature when referring to this publication, for example, in Zentralblatt.
Examples of formatting a link to an article in LaTeX.
\bibitem{Kr01} {\sl Kravchenko A.~V.} Complexity of quasivariety lattices for varieties of unary algebras~// {\it Mat. works}. 2001. T.\,4, No.\,2. P.\,113--127.
\bibitem{Kud} {\sl Kudaibergenov K.~Zh.} Elementary extensions, type omission and homogeneous models //{\it Algebra and Logic}. 1988. T.\,27, No.\,2. P.\,148--171.
\bibitem{Gavr1} {\sl Gavrilov~A.~V.} Double exponential mapping and covariant differentiation // {\it Sib. mat. magazine} 2007 (in print).
\bibitem{Car} {\sl Carleman T.} Zur Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen~//{\it Math. Z.} 1921. Bd\,9. S.\,196--217 (German).
\bibitem{k-m} {\sl Keisler H.~J. and Morley M.~D.} On~the number of homogeneous models of a~given power~//{\it Israel J. Math.} 1967. V.\,5, N\,2. P.\,73--78.
Forming a link to a book (monograph, textbook, reference book, preprint, technical report, dissertation, abstract, deposited scientific work)
The following information must be provided.
- Last name and initials of the author(s), if any.
- Full title of the book..
- Additional information (type of publication, edition, editors, etc.) as necessary..
- Place of publication..
- Publishing house..
- Year of publication. Indicated even in the case of “in print”..
- Volume, if the publication is multi-volume..
Examples of formatting a link to a book/monograph in LaTeX
\bibitem{Iltiakov} {\sl Iltyakov A.~V.}{\it Specht property of varieties of $\PI$-representations of finitely generated Lie algebras}~/Preprint~\No\,10. Novosibirsk: IM SO AN USSR, 1991.
\bibitem{t} {\sl Karapetyan I.~A.} {\it On perfect arc and chord graphs}~/ Abstract. dis. $\dots$ cand. physics and mathematics Sciences: 01/01/09. Novosibirsk, 1984.
\bibitem{w} {\sl Karmazin A.~P.} {\it Simple ends and spatial quasi-isometries.} Tomsk: Tomsk State Publishing House. University, 1982. Dep. in VINITI, \No~1803--B~82.
\bibitem{KN} {\sl Kobayashi Sh., Nomizu K.} {\it Fundamentals of differential geometry}. M.: Nauka, 1981. T.\,1--2.
\bibitem{g} {\it Kourovskaya notebook}. Unsolved problems in group theory. 10th ed.~/Ed. Yu.~I.~Merzlyakova. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986.
\bibitem{h} {\it Kourovskaya notebook}. Unsolved problems in group theory. 13th ed. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Mathematics, 1995.
\bibitem{i} {\it General algebra}~/ Ed. L.~A.~Skornyakova. M.: Nauka, 1990. T.\,1.
\bibitem{SM} {\sl Smirnov V.~I.} {\it Course of Higher Mathematics}. Part~I. M.: Nauka, 1974. T.\,4.
\bibitem {j} {\it Handbook of Special Functions}~/ % Ed. M.~Abramovica, I.~Stigana. M.: Nauka, 1979.
\bibitem {k} {\it Theory of models}~/ Reference book on mathematical logic/Ed.~J.~Barvays, Yu.~L.~Ershova, E.~A.~Palyutin, A.~D. ~Taimanova.M.: Nauka, 1982. T.\,1.
\bibitem{Haykin}{\sl Haykin~S.}{\it Neural networks}~/ Full course. 2nd ed. M.: Williams, 2006.
\bibitem{EGM}{\sl Egamberdiev O.~I.}{\it Ergodic properties of absolute contractions and invariance of positive functionals in {\rm JBW}-algebras}~/~Dis. $\dots$ cand. physics and mathematics sc.% doc. physics and mathematics Sciences, Tashkent, 1989.
\bibitem{Appell}{\sl Appell J.~M., Kalitvin A.~S., and Zabrejko P.~P.}
{\it Partial Integral Operators and Integro-Differential Equations}~/Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 230. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000.
\bibitem{Barr}{\sl Barr M.}{\it *-Autonomous Categories}~/Lecture Notes in Math., V.\,752. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979.
\bibitem{Emde}{\sl van Emde~B.~P.}{\it Another {\rm NP}-Complete Problem and the~Complexity of Computing ShortVectors in Lattice}~/ Tech. Rep.~81-04. Amsterdam: Matematische Institut, 1981.
\bibitem{GRJ2006}{\sl Gardner R.~J.}{\it Geometric Tomography}~/2nd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
\bibitem{Gupta}{\sl Gupta V.}{\it Chu Spaces: A Model of Concurrency}~/PhD Thesis. Stanford: Stanford University, 1994.
Forming a link to an article in a book or collective collection of an irregular publication
The following information must be provided.- Last name and initials of the author(s).
- Full title of the article (indicating the part number if the article consists of several parts).
- Full title of the book or collection.
- Additional information (type of publication, edition, editors, etc.) as necessary.
- Place of publication.
- Publisher.
- Year of publication. Indicated even in the case of “in print.”
- Volume, if the publication is multi-volume.
- Number (issue), if available.
- The beginning and end pages of an article, separated by an en dash (--). May be absent only in the case of “in print” or the article occupies the entire issue.
\bibitem{r}{\sl Aleev R.~Zh.}On powers of central units~//International. conf. in memory of D.~K.~Faddeev: Abstract. report St. Petersburg, 1997. 154.
\bibitem{Vinb}{\sl Vinberg~E.~B., Gorbatsevich~V.~V., Onishchik~A.~L.}Structure of Lie groups and algebras~//{\it Modern problems of mathematics. Fundamental directions}~/Results of science and technology. M.: VINITI, 1990. T.\,41.
\bibitem{G81}{\sl Golubyatnikov V.~P.}On tomography of polyhedra~//{\it Questions of correctness of inverse problems of mathematical physics}. Novosibirsk: Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1982. P.\,75--76.
\bibitem{gresh}{\sl Greshnov A.~V.}Domains satisfying the conditions of internal and external spirals, nametric spaces~// {\it Algebra, analysis, geometry and mathematical physics}~/12th Siberian School, 18 --July 23, 1998~/Ed. Yu.~G.~Reshetnyaka, S.~K.~Vodopyanova, I.~A.~Taimanova.Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Mathematics, 1999. P.\,54--67.
\bibitem{gut}{\sl Gutman~A.~E.}Banach bundles in the theory of lattice normed spaces~//Tr. Institute of Mathematics SB RAS. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Mathematics, 1995.T.\,29: {\it Linear operators consistent with order}. P.\,63--211.
\bibitem{odin}{\sl Odintsov S.~P.}Negatively equivalent extensions of minimal logic and their logic of contradictions~// {\it Logical Research}~/Ed.~A.~S.~Karpenko. M.: Nauka, 2000. Issue ~7. P.\,119--127.
\bibitem{BEY}{\sl Briskin M., Elichai~Y., and Yomdin~Y.}How can singularity theory help in image processing~//{\it Pattern Formation in Biology, Vision and Dynamics}~/Eds. ~M.~Gromov and A.~Carbone. Singapore; London: World Scientific, 2000.P.\,392--423.
\bibitem {Gro1}{\sl Gromov~M.}Carnot--Carath\'{e}odory spaces seen from within~//{\it Sub-Riemannian Geometry}. Basel: Birkh\"auser, 1996. P.\,79--323.
\bibitem{Lanctot}{\sl Lanctot J.~K., Li M., Ma~B., and et~al.}Distinguishing string selection problems~//{\it Proc. of the~10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms} (Baltimore, MD, 1999). New~York: ACM, 1999. P.\,633--642.
Creating a link to an electronic publication (or Internet resources)
In general, the rules for creating such links are the same as those given above. Only the Internet address is added when linking to a resource.
Forming a link to an electronic publication (or Internet resources) in LaTeX
\bibitem{da}{\sl Daurtseva N.~A.}Invariant complex structures on $S^3\times S^3$~//{\it Researched in Russia} (electronic journal). 2004. T.\,81. S.\,882--887.http://www.zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru /articles/2004/081.pdf
\bibitem{Nikit2}{\sl Nikitenko E.~V.} On non-standard Einstein extensions of five-dimensional metric nilpotent Lie algebras~// {\it Siberian Electronic Mathematical News}.2006. T.\,3. P.\,115--136.
\bibitem{odcp}{\sl Odintsov S.~P.}Algebraic semantics and Kripke semantics for extensions of minimal logic~// {\it Logical Research} (electronic journal). 1999. \No\,2.
\bibitem{br}{\sl Borovkov A.~A. and Ruzankin P.~S.}On small deviations of series of weighted random variables~//{\it J.~Theoret.~Probab.} 2008 (to appear). Published online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10959-007-0130-x a>.
\bibitem{c}{\sl Kahan W.}{\it Lecture Notes on the Status of IEEE Standard~754 for BinaryFloating-Point Arithmetic}. Berkeley, 1996.\newline http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/$\ sim$wkahan/ieee754status/IEEE754.pdf
\bibitem{d}{\sl R\"osler U.}{\it A Fixed Point Equation for Distributions}~/Berichtsreihe des Mathematischen Seminars Kiel:Christian--Albrechts-Universit\"at zu Kiel, 1998.http://www.numerik.uni-kiel/reports/Bericht~98-7
\bibitem{Weiss}{\sl Weisstein E.~W.}{\it Johnson Solid} / MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.http: //mathworld.wolfram.com/Johnson Solid--from MathWorld.htm