Editorial staff of the journal “Mathematical Transactions”
Novosibirsk State University
Pirogova st., 2, 630090, Novosibirsk
Phone: +7 (383) 363-43-43
E-mail: trudy@math.nsc.ru, d.khramtsov@g.nsu.ru
ISSN: 1560-750X:
Editor-in-Chief: Sergei Savostyanovich Goncharov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of Editorial Office: Dmitry Gennadievich Khramtsov, Ph.D.
Registration of the bibliography
A list of references is printed at the end of the article in the order in which references to literature appear in the text, regardless of their language. References to literature in the text are formatted using LaTeX commands. References to unpublished works are not recommended. When describing a link in a foreign language, all service elements of the description are given in that language. The list of references must be formatted using \bibitem and included in the main file of the article. If the text of the article does not contain a reference to any work from the list of references, then you should either make a reference in the text to this work or remove it from the list of references. Examples of bibliographic descriptions (PDF)