- Siberian Journal of Physics
- Archive
- 2008
- Vol 3. No 4
- Educational and Methodical Provision of Teaching of Physics
Characteristic Properties Of Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy In Terahertz Region
Vasily V. Gerasimov
1. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Boris A. Knyazev
1. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 06.10.2008
Experiments on the attenuated total reflection spectroscopy in the terahertz region were carried out using two homemade modules with silicon prisms developed for Fourier spectrometers and a free electron laser as radiation source. Spectra of water, water solutions, perfluorodecaline, paraffine oil, and amino acid powders were recorded. Real and imaging parts of the refractive index were retrieved using Kronig-Kramers transform or by direct solution of Fresnel equations. For a monochromatic radiation source two measurements at two different incident angles, rather than for two polarizations, were found to be an optimal method for the complex refractive index determination. Keywords:
Attenuated total reflection spectroscopy, terahertz region, Fourier spectrometer, free electron laser.
УДК 535.7/535-14

References: Gerasimov V.V., Knyazev B.A. Characteristic Properties Of Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy In Terahertz Region. Vestnik NSU. Series: Physics. 2008, vol. 3, no. 4. P. 97–112 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.54362/1818-7919-2008-3-4-97-112