- Siberian Journal of Physics
- Archive
- 2014
- Vol 9. No 1
- Educational and Methodical Provision of Teaching of Physics
Valeria D. Dmitrieva
1. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Dmitriy Yu. Dubov
1. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2. Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Olga N. Kazurnitskaya
1. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Kurilko S. S., Meshkov O. I., Spitsin R. I.
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 18.11.2013
The new lab performed by students at Atomic Practicum of NSU is described. The lab is dedicated to study of optical rotational spectrum of hydrogen within Fulcher band. The alteration of intensities of molecular lines enables to determine a value of the spin of proton. Keywords:
spectroscopy, spin, molecular spectrum, Fulcher band, Alteration of intensities.
УДК 535.338.4

References: Dmitrieva V. D., Dubov D. Yu., Kazurnitskaya O. N., Kurilko S. S., Meshkov O. I., Spitsin R. I. SPECTROSCOPIC MEASUREMENT OF THE SPIN OF PROTON. Vestnik NSU. Series: Physics. 2014, vol. 9, no. 1. P. 95–104 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.54362/1818-7919-2014-9-1-95-104