- Siberian Journal of Physics
- Archive
- 2018
- Vol 13. No 1
- Solid-State and Semiconductor Physics, Physics of Nanostructures
Alexander A. Kovalyov
1. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2. Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 13.02.2018
Applicability of several approaches to generation lines selection in molecular IR laser is investigated: diffraction grating placed in spite of one of cavity mirrors, Bragg mirror, inclined and reflective interferometers. A selector is proposed which combines advantages of Michelson interferometer with phase reflective interferometer, and which permits reliable selection of a chosen vibrationrotation generation line. The selector calculation is performed for the case of waveguide CO2 laser. Two variants of schemes for laser tunability over generation lines are analyzed by using this selector. Keywords:
line generation selection in IR molecular lasers, Michelson interferometer, phase reflective interferometer.
УДК 535; 621.373

References: Kovalyov A. A. GENERATION LINES SELECTOR FOR MOLECULAR IR LASERS. Siberian Journal of Physics . 2018, vol. 13, no. 1. P. 102–107. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.25205/2541-9447-2018-13-1-102-107