- Siberian Journal of Physics
- Archive
- 2022
- Vol 17. No 4
- Solid-State and Semiconductor Physics, Physics of Nanostructures
Investigation of the Effect of γ-Irradiation on the Optical Properties of Lithium Niobate by Optical Absorption and Raman Scattering Methods
Zakirzhan T. Azamatov
1. Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Murodzhon A. Yuldoshev
1. Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nurlan N. Bazarbayev
1. Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 16.11.2022
Abstract The paper presents the results of studies of the effect of γ-irradiation on the photorefractive properties of lithium niobate (LiNbO3), using optical absorption and Raman spectroscopy of Raman scattering. It is shown that with γ-irradiation, the optical density of the lithium niobate crystal increases, i.e. the shift of the optical absorption edge towards long waves, with an increase in the irradiation dose, the refractive index increases, in the interval 1300 ÷ 1600 cm–1 with γ-irradiation at a frequency of 1375 cm–1, peaks appear due to centers of significant changes in Raman scattering frequencies.
lithium niobate, Raman scattering, γ-irradiation, absorption spectrum, photorefraction
УДК 538.911

References: Azamatov Z. T., Yuldoshev M. A., Bazarbaev N. N. Investigation of the Effect of γ-Irradiation on the Optical Properties of Lithium Niobate by Optical Absorption and Raman Scattering Methods. Siberian Journal of Physics. 2022, vol. 17, no. 4. P. 95–102 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.25205/2541-9447-2022-17-4-95-102