Siberian Peasant Family in the Crossroads of Times: Destiny or Fate?

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 22.10.18
The article is devoted to the fate of a simple Siberian family at the difficult historical period of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The Head of this family Oshchepkov Pavel Ivanovich became one of the so-called «middle peasants», people of the "second plan" who has not found itself in a revolutionary time. Microanalysis of his fate makes it possibility for researchers the so-called home archives, which preserve not only the facts of history, but also their perception and attitude of certain social strata to the vicissitudes experienced by the family.
Key words: Siberia, the family, the peasantry, the revolution, the Soviet Union, dispossession.

The article in Russian.
References: Pikov G. G. Siberian Peasant Family in the Crossroads of Times: Destiny or Fate?. Universum Humanitarium 2018. # 2. P. 68–76.