Improving compliance function of personnel management companies as a factor purpose of reducing staff opportunism

Nikolay A. Nikolaev
1. Ural State University of Economics
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 12/06/2016
The paper presents a methodical approach to conformity assessment of personnel management functions and their implementation with enterprise development purposes. The purpose of the work is a development of methodical positions on conformity assessment of personal management func-tions with enterprise goals. The article presents the analysis of approaches to the classification of personnel management functions. A system analysis of compliance of personnel management functions with business goals was carried out. The author defines the principles and methods for compliance evaluation of personnel management functions with regard to enterprise goals. The paper presents rating scale for compliance assessment of personnel management system. The results of conformity evaluation for 9 small enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region are presented. The author offers recommendations for managers and company owners aimed on improving compliance of personnel management functions with business goals. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the methods of compliance evaluation and the results of their use in personnel research.

enterprise personnel management, alienation of labor, personnel management, methodical approach to assessing the compliance of personnel management functions with the enterprise development goals.

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References: Nikolaev N.A. Improving compliance function of personnel management companies as a factor purpose of reducing staff opportunism. World of Economics and Management. 2017, vol. 17, no. 1. P. 114–125. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2017-17-1-114-125