Spatial development qualities and human capital expanded reproduction in the Republic of Karelia and European North Arctic regions of Russia

Alexandra L. Kekkonen
1. Budget Monitoring Centre of Petrozavodsk State University
Anna V. Simakova
1. Petrozavodsk State University
2. Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS
Irina S. Stepus
1. Petrozavodsk State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 01/10/2016
The article presents the results of studies of the spatial development qualities and the human capital expanded reproduction of the Republic of Karelia and the Arctic regions of Russia’s European North. The aim of the article is the identification of characteristics, opportunities and threats of human capital reproduction in terms of region spatial development. The application of the research results is to provide recommendations for improving reproduction of the human capital and development of the education and vocational guidance systems, human capital management in the region. The study of spatial development and reproduction of the human capital used methods of logical, statistical and comparative analysis and SWOT- analysis principles. The results of the study allowed revealing the peculiarities of spatial development and human capital expanded reproduction of the Republic of Karelia in comparison with the Russian Arctic regions of the European North (Arkhangelsk Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Komi Republic and Nenets Autonomous District). The Republic of Karelia has a special geographical position, and based on many socio-economic indicators is considered to be a «depressive» region. The expanded reproduction of human capital will bring the Republic of Karelia to the next level of development, taking into consideration external and internal factors as well as opportunities and threats. The results obtained in the study will expand the existing system of knowledge about reproduction of the human capital in the framework of spatial development, and the review of the expanded reproduction of human capital on the regional level will allow the government authorities to develop objective measures of quality formation of the region's human resources. It is proved that the introduction of the vocational guidance system in the region could lead to minimization of the threats associated with depopulation and the gap between education system and the labor market, reduce the coefficient of tension in the labor market in the medium and long term and improve socio-economic development of the region.

spatial development, expanded reproduction, human capital, career guidance

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References: Kekkonen A.L., Simakova A.V., Stepus I.S. Spatial development qualities and human capital expanded reproduction in the Republic of Karelia and European North Arctic regions of Russia. World of Economics and Management. 2017. vol 17, no. 2. P. 86–96. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2017-17-2-86-96