Enterprise operation planning in the conditions of risk and uncertainty in the external and internal environment

Vladislav V. Titov
1. Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2. Novosibirsk State University
Dmitriy A. Bezmelnitsin
1. Scientific-production Association «ELSIB» JSC
Svetlana K. Napreeva
1. LLC Scientific-Production Enterprise of Geophysical Apparatus «Luch»
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 27/04/2017
Optimization of the enterprise activity planning taking into account the risk and uncertainty of the external and internal environment is a complex scientific and methodological problem. Its solution is important for the planning practice. Therefore, the relevance of this research topic is beyond doubt. Planning is based on the use of a multilevel system of models. At the top level, the achievement of key strategic indicators is ensured by the development and implementation of innovations, mainly related to the planning of the release of new high-tech products. However, it is at this level that the risks and uncertainties have the greatest impact on the planning processes for the development, production and marketing of new products. In the scientific literature it is proposed to use the stochastic graphs with returns for this purpose. This idea is also supported in this work. However, the implementation of such an idea requires additional methodological developments and quantitative calculations. The coordination of strategic decisions with tactical plans is based on the idea of eliminating the economic and other risks associated with the economic activity of the enterprise in tactical planning, by creating the stochastic reserves based on the implementation of additional innovations that ensure the receipt of above-target sales volumes, profits and other indicators of the strategic plan. The organization of operational management of production is represented by an iterative, sliding process (reducing risks in production), which is realized taking into account the limitations of tactical control.

coordination of strategic, tactical, operational management, risk and uncertainty conditions, optimization

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References: Titov V. V., Bezmelnitsyn D. A., Napreyeva S. K. Enterprise operation planning in the conditions of risk and uncertainty in the external and internal environment. World of Economics and Management. 2017, vol. 17, no. 3. P. 179–191. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2017-17-3-179-191