Knowledge Accumulation Effect in Case of the Profitability Criteria Definition of a Mineral-Raw Materials Projects

Dmitriy V. Milyaev
1. Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources
Dmitriy I. Dushenin
1. Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources
Olga A. Kidanova
1. Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 16/08/2017
In many oil and gas bearing provinces in Russia with the depletion of highly productive hydrocarbon deposits the main prospects for the growth of oil and gas resources are attributed to hard-to-recover reserves. With a high level of development costs these reserves are unprofitable, high-risk financing items. Being as a rule on the verge of profitability, the projects of development of hard-to-recover reserves mainly depend on the volatility of geological and economic conditions. This actualizes the development of new approaches, oriented not so much to the forecast of potential income and other performance indicators, but to a greater extent on profitability criteria determining of a particular mineral-raw materials project. In the article, the method of searching for maximum permissible values of key characteristics of the subsoil use project is proposed for consideration, special attention is paid to ways to reduce costs when developing deposits taking into account the «learning effect».

profitability criteria; threshold values; math modeling; optimization; effect of learning; The Kuonamka Formation; Nyurolskaya zone; Paleozoic; hard-to-recover reserves; oil; gas; hydrocarbons; geological prospecting; increase in inventories; financing

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References: Milyaev D. V., Dushenin D. I., Kidanova O. A. Knowledge Accumulation Effect in Case of the Profitability Criteria Definition of a Mineral-Raw Materials Projects. World of Economics and Management. 2018. 18, 1. P. 54–69. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-1-54-69