Agglomeration as a factor of мodernizing мonotowns of the South Kuzbass

Nataliya V. Demchuk
1. Novokuznetsk Institute (Branch) of the Kemerovo State University
Olga A. Urban
1. Novokuznetsk Institute (Branch) of the Kemerovo State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 15/01/2018
Kuzbass formed agglomeration zones around two administrative and industrial centers of the region: Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk. The largest Novokuznetsk agglomeration includes monotowns in which more than 1 million 300 thousand people whose level and quality of life directly depend on modernization of economy of single-industry territories. In article in the context of studying of a problem of influence of agglomerative processes on formation of the general conditions of modernization of monotowns of the South of Kuzbass the system analysis of results of expert poll is carried out ( N = 137). Survey is conducted in 2016 for the purpose of assessment of processes and factors of an aglomerirovaniye in economy and the social sphere of the Kemerovo region increase in a konkurentosobnost and investment attractiveness of territories. Heads of local governments of municipal units which are a part of agglomerations, businessmen, scientists-economists of higher education institutions of Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo have acted as experts. Valid conclusion that advantages of agglomeration create necessary and additional conditions for the solution of problems of modernization of economy of monotowns of the South of Kuzbass. Agglomerative processes can be considered as the modernization potential of economy of monoprofile municipal units calculated, first of all, on internal sources of development of economy. Increase in agglomerative effect on the solution of problems of modernization of monotowns demands a package of measures of institutional character, effective models of management of city agglomerations directed to creation.

city agglomeration, agglomerative processes, monotown, modernization of economy, expert poll, institutional factors

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References: Urban O.A., Demchuk N.V. Agglomeration as a factor of мodernizing мonotowns of the South Kuzbass. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol. 18, 2. P. 86–100. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-2-86-100