The Effectiveness of the Innovative Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 in the Context of World Rankings

Yuliya A. Petrovskaya
1. Petrozavodsk State University
Irina V. Shchekina
1. Petrozavodsk State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 15/03/2018
The modern stage of social and civilization development can be characterized with confidence as innovative and transforming all spheres of social life without exception. At this stage, Russia sets ambitious but fully realized (under certain conditions) goals related to the transition of the country to the innovative way. However, such a transition requires, literally, a forced technological “breakthrough”, similar to the engineering revolution of the 1930s (industrialization) which formed a new type of personality – the engineer of the society of general asceticism. The innovation society of the XXI century also generates an innovative personality as a special social type, the characteristics of which have not yet been studied within the framework of sociological science. The article is devoted to the analysis of the intermediate results of the innovative development strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 on the basis of the study of Russia’s position in the world rankings. The article also presents an analysis of the indicators of the Strategy in the context of world rankings, which can not be considered fully sufficient. The author’s analysis is not limited to the study of the indicators specified in the Strategy, but also refers to other world rankings that reflect the innovative development of the country.

innovations, innovative development, world rankings, Russia 2020

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References: Petrovskaya Yu. A., Shchekina I. V. The Effectiveness of the Innovative Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 in the Context of World Rankings. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 3. P. 18–28. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-3-18-28