Implementation of the System of Decision-Making in the Innovative Activity of Small Industrial Enterprises

Dmitiy A. Alferev
1. Vologda Research Center RAS
Konstantin A. Gulin
1. Vologda Research Center RAS
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 25/06/2018
Innovative activity is the engine of scientific and technological progress. In turn, this determines the rate of onset of positive socio-economic changes. In connection with this conditional goal of the article, which can be expressed in the creation of a computer system to support management decision-making in the implementation of an industrial innovation company. For this, the current state of the Russian Federation was analyzed in comparison with the developed high-tech countries of the world in the context of science and industry. The current state of domestic small enterprises engaged in innovation activities was studied, the results of which revealed the need for technical tools for management decisions in the implementation of innovation activities. The authors have developed a mathematical algorithm for the selection  of innovative ideas, modeled as an interactive computer application that allows the selection of the most effective and efficient innovations to be completed. Also presented is an algorithm for assessing financial capabilities in the implementation of innovative projects, which allows to assess the risk of bankruptcy in the implementation of innovative projects. In conclusion, recommendations on the implementation of a decision support system in innovation activities, their features of its functioning are proposed. The results obtained by the authors can be conducted by managers of industrial enterprises in the field of innovation and scientific and technological development. 

innovations, small industrial enterprises, system, decision-making, automation of activities 

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References: Alferiev D. A., Gulin K. A. Implementation of the System of Decision-Making in the Innovative Activity of Small Industrial Enterprises. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 3. P. 151–169. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-3-151-169