Optimization of Strategic Management by Development of High-Tech Business Based on the Platform of the Industrial Cluster

Dmitriy A. Bezmelnitsin
1. Scientific-production Association «ELSIB» JSC
Vladislav V. Titov
1. Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2. Novosibirsk State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 05/06/2018
The paper presents a methodological approach  to constructing an optimization model for planning the functioning of enterprises, firms, corporations in an industrial cluster. The formation of the cluster is based on the economic interest of enterprises. Researches are connected with development of mechanisms of management of development of the enterprises, corporations in the conditions of  their integration interaction. There are a lot of problems of organizational-economic plan: rationale intracorporate transfer prices; determining synergistic, systemic effects and its distribution among the participants of the cluster; assessment of efficiency of realization of innovative-investment projects, financial  innovation and other developments. The most effective organization of production for a group of industrial firms, which are combined into a cluster for the production of complex, high-value-added science-intensive products with solvent demand in the domestic market and abroad. Therefore, the development of a generalized mechanism for solving such problems without research simulating such processes on the basis of modeling is quite difficult. In work development of scientific and methodological approach to creation of effective system of intracorporate planning of functioning and development of the industrial cluster is carried out at coordination of integration interaction of its enterprises on the basis of use of model of optimization of strategic management  of development of hi-tech business within the platform of management of the industrial cluster.  The formation of clusters is an important element of the region's industrial policy. The results of practical calculations showed the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism for managing the development of industrial clusters. 
industrial cluster, model optimization, transfer pricing, synergies, strategic management, development of high-tech business management platform industrial cluster. 

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References: Titov V. V., Bezmelnitsin D. A. Optimization of Strategic Management by Development of High-Tech Business Based on the Platform of the Industrial Cluster. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 3. P. 170–181. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-3-170-181