The Effects of Network Interaction in the Area of Tourist-Recreational Services of the Region (On the Example of the Siberian Regions)

Nataliya V. Rubtsova
1. Baikal State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 20/09/2018

The Effects of Network Interaction  in the Area of Tourist-Recreational Services of the Region  (On the Example of the Siberian Regions) 

The article explores the effects of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination. The author determines concept of “synergistic effect” in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination, proposes definition of the “cumulative effect” of network relationship in the  area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination. The article substantiates the characteristics of “synergistic” and “cumulative” effects of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination. The study  showed that the cumulative effect is a qualitative result of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination. Cumulative effect requires a strategic approach to management and is manifested in the long term. The list presents of recommended parameters for estimating of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination. The correlation analysis, which demonstrates the relationship between the synergistic cumulative effect of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination, conducted. The analyzed data for the correlation analysis is given by the State Statistical Service of Russia and the rating agency “Expert-RA”. This work analyzes the “synergistic” and “cumulative” effects of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the Siberian regions. The results are obtained, the link that arises between the synergistic and cumulative effect of network relationship in the area of recreation and tourism in the tourism destination, proved. 
tourist and recreational services the аreа, relationship, networks, synergistic effect, cumulative effect 

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References: Rubtsova N. V. The Effects of Network Interaction in the Area of Tourist-Recreational Services of the Region (On the Example of the Siberian Regions). World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 4. P. 217–232. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-4-217-232