Social Context of Institutionalization of Public Hearings in Regional Society

Lamskova NatalIya N.
1. Samara State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 24/08/2018

Social Context of Institutionalization of Public Hearings  in Regional Society 

The study aims at analyzing the social context of institutionalization of public hearings in a separate region of Russia. The article focuses on institutionalization of civil society and examines peculiarities of institutionalization of public 
hearings in regional society. The paper attempts to clearly define the concepts of “institution” and “institutionalization”, with special attention being paid to the stages of  institutionalization, the criteria for the completion of institutionalization and the emergence of a new social institution, i.e. the institute of public hearing. The analysis has revealed that the process of institutionalization of the dialogue between the authorities and the public in the field of PS is the process of transition from irregular sporadic communication practices to systematic, orderly, organized and managed models of interaction between state institutions, on the one hand, and organizations and institutions of civil society, on the other hand. 
public hearings, dialogue, power, public, institutionalization 

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References: Lamskova N. N. Social Context of Institutionalization of Public Hearings in Regional Society. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 4. P. 233–239. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-4-233-239