Social Work with Disadvantaged Families and Children in the Current Context

Tatyana A. Chernikova
1. Bashkir State University (Birsk Branch)
Liana D. Shaidukova
1. Bashkir State University (Birsk Branch)
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 15/09/2018

Social Work with Disadvantaged Families and Children  in the Current Context 

Disadvantaged families are known to be socially vulnerable categories of the population, where family problems negatively affect socialization of children. Such families need constant social assistance and support from the state and the 
country’s social policy. Social work with dysfunctional families and children is a separate activity aimed at preventing deviant behavior of the minors. The article reveals the content of social work with disadvantaged families, substantiates the importance of interdepartmental approach in the organization of social work with dysfunctional families, and determines the problems of social work with such families. The leading role in the organization of social work with disadvantaged families should be given both to specialized centers on the basis of which various social programs to assist vulnerable families can be implemented and to clubs which provide psychological and pedagogical support for disadvantaged families with children. The study makes it possible to determine the role of social work in socialization of children from disadvantaged families in the modern context.
prevention of family problems, technologies of social work with disadvantaged families and children, interagency cooperation

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References: Chernikova T. A., Shaidukova L. D. Social Work with Disadvantaged Families and Children in the Current Context. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol 18, 4. P. 240–253. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-4-240-253