The Impact of Digital Technologies in Industrial Sectors on Potential Economic Effect

Elena V. Shirinkina
1. Surgut State University
Nataliya R. Kelchevskaya
1. Ural Federal University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 13/02/2019
The study has been carried out in response to the rampant spread of new technologies in digital economy and recent revolutionary scientific discoveries in various fields. In the coming years, the enterprises with predominant development of digital technologies are sure to take the lead. Today it is important for the business executives to recognize  whether the competitive advantages that underpin current business strategies will weaken or disappear in a decade  under the influence of new technologies or, on the contrary, will strengthen even further. The study is aimed at analyzing the impact of technology in digital economy on the potential economic effect. The subject of the study is  digital technologies that can give a drastic turn to the way things get done across industries, change the lives and work  of people, transform the structure of value created and cause the emergence of fundamentally new products and  services. The relevance and significance of the conducted research and the obtained results is that their correct  interpretation will allow the enterprises to find out which technologies turned out to be truly revolutionary. In each  
particular case, it is necessary to know the contribution of developing technologies to the potential economic effect.  This study will allow the enterprises to choose the right strategy for investment in new forms of education and  infrastructure. 

digital technologies, development trends, economic effect 

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References: Kelchevskaya N. P., Shirinkina E. V. The Impact of Digital Technologies in Industrial Sectors on Potential Economic Effect. World of Economics and Managemen. 2019. vol. 19, no. 2. P. 19–30. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429- 2019-19-2-19-30