Variability in Legal Culture under the Influence of Negative Social Phenomena

Evgeny M. Shumkin
1. Novosibirsk state University of Economics and management
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 28/05/2019
Under the influence of various social phenomena and disasters in society, the architecture of social, cultural, legal and spiritual values tends to change. Over the recent years, the importance of old-fashioned moral fabric, the need to achieve moral benefits has been challenged, and the main task of the people today is to overcome the dependence on negative social phenomena and eliminate their consequences. Social phenomena such as war and famine has accompanied human civilization throughout its history, which was invariably reflected in literature (mythology) at the early dawn of human civilization. However, the analysis of the effects of social disasters on all spheres of human life has not been conducted yet, especially on a global scale. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the variability of legal culture, behavior, emotional life of individuals under the influence of certain social phenomena, such as war and revolution, famine and epidemic. The analysis is based on the monograph of Pitirim Sorokin “Man and society in conditions of social disasters”. Interest in legal culture as a social phenomenon and process devoted, at different times, sociologists such as Anthony Giddens, L. Petrazhitsky, O. Comte, G. Spencer, Max Weber, Javier Trevigno, Alfred Whitehead.
Using the descriptive form of the presentation of the material, the author of the article describes the main sociological concepts used as part of the definitive apparatus of P. A. Sorokin in this monograph. The main factors that change social processes under the pressure of these social phenomena are formulated. Changes in the socio-cultural organization of society in the dynamics are considered. In the sociological aspect, the nomological culture and the degree of its volatility under the pressure of wars and revolutions, famines and epidemics are touched upon. The objective of this article is to correctly perceive the destructive impact of negative social phenomena on the values of the individual in particular and society as a whole. The aim of the work is to analyze the causes of such influence. The actualization of the four social ills listed by Pitirim Sorokin in modern reality has not lost its social significance at the present time. Although in the time described by the author (the twenties – forties of the XX century), the epidemic was only a satellite of war or famine, and in the modern world such support has ceased to be mandatory. The latter, too, shows its allied solidarity and importance only in the presence of war. Therefore, in modern historical segments, it almost does not appear. The key and interesting problem, highlighting which we will debate the arguments of Pitirim Sorokin, is the legal culture as a separate social phenomenon, which is directly dependent on the depth and catastrophic scale of the war or revolution, famine and epidemic.

social phenomenon, legal culture, subculture, social mobility

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References: Shumkin E. M. Variability in Legal Culture under the Influence of Negative Social Phenomena. World of Economics and Management. 2019. Vol. 19, no. 3. P. 132–140. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2019-19-3-132-140