Absorptive knowledge capacity of companies and projects with complete innovation cycle

Galina A. Untura
Scopus Author ID: 56500650900
Researcher ID: G-4680-2019
1. Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2. Novosibirsk State University
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 01/11/2019


The article discusses methodological approaches to assess absorption capacity (AC) of the firms and projects for knowledge and innovation. The purpose of the study is to compare the different approaches to characterize AC, taking into account internal and external factors of organizations to develop the policy of systematic promotion of generated knowledge towards commercialization of innovations. The applied research method is based on systematization of AC factors for different participants in both scientific and production cycles and an empirical expert analysis of conjugation of scientific results within the framework of a complete innovation cycle. The research focuses on the possibilities of productive transformation and application of knowledge to increase technology readiness level in the production and the use of catalysts. As a result, the approach to study project/program participants was proposed, which has made it possible to identify the effectiveness of knowledge transfer through the stages of a full scientific and production cycle, and the relevant criteria for the technology readiness level for each stage were applied. The test approach to assess knowledge absorption in case of scientific production cycle (NPC) of catalysis in Russia has demonstrated not only the strengths of AC in academic institutions – interdisciplinarity – but also revealed the gaps and weak links in NPC that inhibit the absorption of external knowledge in production – pilot tests and engineering of catalysts. AC assessment is important for the development of S&T policy because they are appropriate for both an individual organization and the participants in the integrated full-cycle innovative projects. The article provides a critical review of the methods and tools for the thorough analysis of the resources and institutional conditions required for knowledge absorption in the groups of interrelated participants as compared to the methods for analyzing the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge by one firm is sure to create new perspectives and concepts for the management of integration projects with the full innovation cycle. The article summarizes the key findings and gives recommendations applicable to the tasks outlined in the Strategy for Technological Development of Russia until 2030.

Key words: R&D, innovation, absorption capacity, scientific institution, research areas of catalysis, complete innovation cycle, technology readiness level

Funding: The publication is prepared within the priority XI.174 (project No. XI.174.1.1 “Economy of Siberia and its Regions Among the External and Internal Challenges and Threats: Methodology, Trends, Forecasts”, No. АААА-А17-117022250133-9) according to the research plan of the IEIE SB RAS

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