Aims and scope

Russian Geology and Geophysics is currently the only scientific journal of wide spectrum in Earth sciences in Russia. Yearly, the twelve issues of the journal feature more than 100 papers and reviews in all fields of geology and geophysics, including those specially addressed to geological problems of Siberia and Asia as a whole. The main sections of coverage are: Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology; Mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry; Mineral resources and metallogeny; Oil and gas geology; Geotectonics and geomorphology; Global and prospecting geophysics; Experimental modeling of natural processes.

This includes research results on: field investigations and modeling of the composition and structure of the Earth's crust and mantle; processes of formation and general structure patterns of ore minerals resources and oil and gas fields; application of exploration methods and development of deposits; theoretical and practical aspects of biosphere evolution; environment and climate change.

The Journal also reports results of regional investigation of the geology of Siberia and adjacent territories - priority is usually given to these papers.