The Information-Analytical System with Using Algorithms Genomic Analysis of Pathogens of Viral Infections

Vladislav V. Chernenko
1. Institute of Computational Sciences SB RAS
Yuri I. Molorodov
1. Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 03.12.2018
The presented paper is to describe the structure of the information-analytical system “Ixodes” working with the collection of Ixodidae ticks from different biotopes, namely form the territories of Altai, Siberia and the Far East. Variants of analyzing the genetic diversity for ticks and pathogens transferred by them have been shown with using statistical methods of building to circular and bar graphs (histograms). The implemented algorithms have been described that allow dealing with the analysis of the pathogen genetic sequence based on the L-gramm approach and the methods of partitioning the phylogenetic tree into groups of close sequences. At the same time, for the first processing a set of genomes, methods of multiple sequence alignment and the method of Neighbor-joining allowing to build a phylogenetic tree have been used. The presented algorithms and methods have been used to solve the problem of tick-borne encephalitis virus genotyping. The results of testing for phylogenetic tree partitioning methods and their comparative analysis have been presented. The architecture of the information-analytical system for analyzing a set of genomes has been described. The system helps in the analysis of a variety of genomes and their classification, namely, for analyzing genotypes within a single species of living organisms, with the methods to aimed at isolating subtle differences in genomes with a similar structure.

information systems, data integration, classification, clustering, L-gram analysis, phylogenetic tree, ticks, sequencing, encephalitis, strain

The work is supported by RFBR (grant no. 18-07-01457), projects no. AAAA-A18-118022190008-8 (no. 0316-2018-
0002) and no. AAAA-A17-117120670141-7 (no. 0316-2018-0009).

References: Chernenko V. V., Molorodov Yu. I. The Information-Analytical System with Using Algorithms Genomic Analysis of Pathogens of Viral Infections. Vestnik NSU. Series: Information Technologies. 2019, vol. 17, no. 1. P. 90–100. DOI: 10.25205/1818-7900-2019-17-1-90-100