Logical and Mathematical Inference: Syntax and Semantics of Proof

Khlebalin A. V.
1. Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS 8 Nikolaev Str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 09.07.2018
The paper treats the relation between mathematical and logical inferences in mathematics and analyses an ontological approach for explaining the indispensability of the semantic content from mathematical proof. It was shown that such an approach entails serious metaphysical commitments, that is why it is concluded that the epistemological approach is preferable in explaining the nature of the difference between the formal and mathematical inferences.

Keywords: semantics, ontology of mathematical theory, epistemology of mathematical proof.

References: Khlebalin A. V. Logical and Mathematical Inference: Syntax and Semantics of Proof. Siberian Journal of Philosophy. 2018, vol. 16, no. 3. P. 28–37. DOI: 10.25205/2541-7517-2018-16-3-28-37