Individualism and Tolerance as the Principles of the Political Ethics of Liberalism

Shirokova M. A.
1. The Altay State University. 61 Lenin Ave., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 09.07.2018
The importance of the ethical principles of individualism and tolerance in the political ethics of liberalism has been studied from the moment of the emergence of liberal ideology to the present day. Using the conceptions of Russian and foreign philosophers, the author traces the relationship of these principles with the situation of the collapse and crisis of the moral system of the post-modern society. The author claims that the liberal doctrine as a whole has a paradoxical effect on the moral consciousness of the modern person, hindering his self-identification.

Keywords: ethics, politics, ideology, liberalism, civilizational identity

References: Shirokova M. A. Individualism and Tolerance as the Principles of the Political Ethics of Liberalism. Siberian Journal of Philosophy. 2018, vol. 16, no. 3. P. 89–99. DOI: 10.25205/2541-7517-2018-16-3-89-99