Categorical-Systemic Thinking as a Tool for the Reengineering of intellectual Activity (Response to the Challenge of the Modern Cogni­tive Situation)

Anna A. Sheremet
1. Omsk State University F. M. Dostoevsky (Omsk, Russian Federation)
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 10.02.2020
The textbook by G. D. Boush and V. I. Razumov "The methodology of scientific research (in candidate and doctoral dissertations)" fills in the lack of fundamental and systematized works on the methodology of scientific research. The authors consistently and deeply expound the logic and procedure of preparing sci­entific research, reveal the heuristic potential of significant methodological approaches, technologies and scientific methods. Particular attention is paid to the categorical-system methodology, which allows to analyze the object at the essential level and achieve holistic, consistent knowledge. The textbook should be recommended to anyone who is interested in developing their own cognitive potential, logic and method­ology of thinking, understood as a tool for reengineering intellectual activity.

Keywords: scientific research methodology, categorical-systemic methodology, scientific method, thought activity technologies, highly heuristic search platform.

References: Anna A. Sheremet Categorical-Systemic Thinking as a Tool for the Reengineering of intellectual Activity (Response to the Challenge of the Modern Cogni­tive Situation). Siberian Journal of Philosophy. 2020, vol. 18, no. 2. P. 208–213. DOI: 10.25205/2541-7517-2020-18-2-208-213