- Siberian Journal of Philosophy
- Authors Guide
Authors Guide
1. All submissions are accepted in digital format only by submitting .doc or .docx files to the mail – philos@vestnik.nsu.ru, or by using the submission system onsite.
2. Average deadlines for submission for the particular issue of the year are: № 1 – December 15; № 2 – February 15; № 3 – July 1; № 4 – September 1. Please note that for the last several years the submission for the № 4 issue closes in late July – middle of August due to abundance of applications.
3. The author acknowledges that the submitted materials are original, has not appeared in print, and not compiled fr om citations, and are not rendering of previously published material that may arouse suspicions about the violation of publishing ethics.
4. The Editorial Team reviews all submitted materials. All articles are subject to single-blinded review. Authors are notified about the decision of the Editorial Team by email. The rejected submissions are not returned to the author.
5. The Editorial Team reserves the right to edit, abridge and adapt the submitted materials as a subject of agreement with the author. If the article is returned to the author for improvement, revision or shortening, the date of its submission is the day on which the editorial board receives the final text.
6. There is no author’s honorarium for the particular submitted material evaluation or publishing.
7. There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges, or any other costs to publish a paper in the Journal.
Before submitting please take time to become acquainted with the Journal’s stylesheet
Notes on the stylesheet:
1. The submitted paper must have an UDC (Universal Decimal Classification index), corresponding to the Journal’s main sections. As a rule in general the overall amount of articles with the main (first) UDC not related to “Philosophy” index cannot exceed a quarter of an issue. UDC site: https://teacode.com/online/udc/ (in Russian)
2. The manuscript submitted to the Journal is formally divided into two sections: “the main content of the article” properly prepared by the author for review, and “additional information” complying with the technical publication requirements. The author must submit all required information for both sections.
3. “The main content” includes: UDC; author’s full name, author's ORCID number, work postal address (with the zip code); e-mail; the article’s title in Russian; the abstract in Russian (up to 3 000 characters with spaces); keywords (up to 10 words); the article’s text (up to 30 000 characters with spaces); references.
4. “The additional information” includes: author’s full name in English; the article’s title in English; the abstract in English (up to 100 words); keywords in English (up to 10 words); references in transliteration and English according to the enclosed sample, affiliation and address in English, information about the author in Russian (full name, degree, academic rank, affiliation, work postal address with the zip code, position, as well as a contact phone number, electronic and postal addresses of the author). The Russian translation of the article’s title and the abstract contents are checked by the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team bears no responsibility for transliteration and translation of references into Russian (if any).
5. The main text of the article must be formatted as follows. The main font – Times New Roman. Font size – 14 pt. Line spacing – 1.5 lines. Font scale – 100%. Font interval – Normal. Font offset – No. Standard A4 sheet margins: Top – 2 cm., Bottom – 2.5 cm., Left – 3 cm., Right – 1.5 cm. Paragraph – 1.25 cm. Authors using the docx format, should change the settings to the following default settings for the paragraphs: Left indent – 0 cm Right indent – 0 cm, Interval before – 0 pt, Interval after – 0 pt. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered. Submissions significantly exceeding the volume lim it of the main text (30 000 characters with spaces) are accepted for review only by agreement with the editorial board.
6. References in the text: in square brackets – the author's name, year of publication, pages (if quoted). The list of references should be at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Links to archival documents and documents from the Internet are made in a footnote (at the bottom of the page), for documents from the Internet in addition to URL the note must indicate the date of its access. Bibliographic entries include: names and initials of all authors (regardless of their number), the full title of the entry, as well as the publication which it is part of (for articles), city, name of the publisher or publishing company, year of publication, volume (for multivolume editions), number, issue (for periodicals). For articles the size should be specified (the first and last pages).
7. The image size must not exceed 120 × 180 mm. The recommended size for black-and-white photos is 100 × 150 mm. During preparation of illustrative material please note that the electronic versions of the drawings (only formats .gif, .jpg, .tif, .cdr) should be accompanied by high quality prints on white paper. Please do not change the original electronic format of the graphic object you create. All inscriptions and symbols on them should be in italics. Figures, charts and graphs should be only in black and white, with no color elements and small (solid) fills. On the back of each illustration, the author's name, the shortened title of the article, the illustration number should be written. Tables and charts can be created in Word and Excel (the original file in .xls format must be attached), Note that files for non-standard fonts (.ttf) must also be attached, the font size in the inscriptions should not be smaller than 9.
2. Average deadlines for submission for the particular issue of the year are: № 1 – December 15; № 2 – February 15; № 3 – July 1; № 4 – September 1. Please note that for the last several years the submission for the № 4 issue closes in late July – middle of August due to abundance of applications.
3. The author acknowledges that the submitted materials are original, has not appeared in print, and not compiled fr om citations, and are not rendering of previously published material that may arouse suspicions about the violation of publishing ethics.
4. The Editorial Team reviews all submitted materials. All articles are subject to single-blinded review. Authors are notified about the decision of the Editorial Team by email. The rejected submissions are not returned to the author.
5. The Editorial Team reserves the right to edit, abridge and adapt the submitted materials as a subject of agreement with the author. If the article is returned to the author for improvement, revision or shortening, the date of its submission is the day on which the editorial board receives the final text.
6. There is no author’s honorarium for the particular submitted material evaluation or publishing.
7. There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges, or any other costs to publish a paper in the Journal.
Before submitting please take time to become acquainted with the Journal’s stylesheet
Notes on the stylesheet:
1. The submitted paper must have an UDC (Universal Decimal Classification index), corresponding to the Journal’s main sections. As a rule in general the overall amount of articles with the main (first) UDC not related to “Philosophy” index cannot exceed a quarter of an issue. UDC site: https://teacode.com/online/udc/ (in Russian)
2. The manuscript submitted to the Journal is formally divided into two sections: “the main content of the article” properly prepared by the author for review, and “additional information” complying with the technical publication requirements. The author must submit all required information for both sections.
3. “The main content” includes: UDC; author’s full name, author's ORCID number, work postal address (with the zip code); e-mail; the article’s title in Russian; the abstract in Russian (up to 3 000 characters with spaces); keywords (up to 10 words); the article’s text (up to 30 000 characters with spaces); references.
4. “The additional information” includes: author’s full name in English; the article’s title in English; the abstract in English (up to 100 words); keywords in English (up to 10 words); references in transliteration and English according to the enclosed sample, affiliation and address in English, information about the author in Russian (full name, degree, academic rank, affiliation, work postal address with the zip code, position, as well as a contact phone number, electronic and postal addresses of the author). The Russian translation of the article’s title and the abstract contents are checked by the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team bears no responsibility for transliteration and translation of references into Russian (if any).
5. The main text of the article must be formatted as follows. The main font – Times New Roman. Font size – 14 pt. Line spacing – 1.5 lines. Font scale – 100%. Font interval – Normal. Font offset – No. Standard A4 sheet margins: Top – 2 cm., Bottom – 2.5 cm., Left – 3 cm., Right – 1.5 cm. Paragraph – 1.25 cm. Authors using the docx format, should change the settings to the following default settings for the paragraphs: Left indent – 0 cm Right indent – 0 cm, Interval before – 0 pt, Interval after – 0 pt. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered. Submissions significantly exceeding the volume lim it of the main text (30 000 characters with spaces) are accepted for review only by agreement with the editorial board.
6. References in the text: in square brackets – the author's name, year of publication, pages (if quoted). The list of references should be at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Links to archival documents and documents from the Internet are made in a footnote (at the bottom of the page), for documents from the Internet in addition to URL the note must indicate the date of its access. Bibliographic entries include: names and initials of all authors (regardless of their number), the full title of the entry, as well as the publication which it is part of (for articles), city, name of the publisher or publishing company, year of publication, volume (for multivolume editions), number, issue (for periodicals). For articles the size should be specified (the first and last pages).
7. The image size must not exceed 120 × 180 mm. The recommended size for black-and-white photos is 100 × 150 mm. During preparation of illustrative material please note that the electronic versions of the drawings (only formats .gif, .jpg, .tif, .cdr) should be accompanied by high quality prints on white paper. Please do not change the original electronic format of the graphic object you create. All inscriptions and symbols on them should be in italics. Figures, charts and graphs should be only in black and white, with no color elements and small (solid) fills. On the back of each illustration, the author's name, the shortened title of the article, the illustration number should be written. Tables and charts can be created in Word and Excel (the original file in .xls format must be attached), Note that files for non-standard fonts (.ttf) must also be attached, the font size in the inscriptions should not be smaller than 9.