Importance and Usage of Jeongok-ri Paleolithic Sites in Korea

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 5.12.2018
The researches and history of protection of the Jeongokri Paleolithic site in Korea provides one of the best examples for developing a model for protecting and utilizing archaeological sites in Korea. The Jeongokri Paleolithic site is a well known site in the field of Paleolithic archaeology of the World because the first Acheulean-type handaxes were found for the first time in East Asia in 1978. Almost 20 campaigns were carried out for excavations of the site during the last 30 years and huge collection of stone artefacts were outcrops including various types of handaxes by archaeological excavations.
Prehistoric festival at the site begun in 1993 for the first time eventually has been very helpful for the site literacy among ordinary people who do not know much about Paleolithic culture. The festival was initiated and coordinated by Professor Bae Kidong who had conducted excavations as field-master in early stage of researches and director in excavations in early 1990s. The first festival was coordinated for a commemoration of opening a small site museum at the site with only 200 visitors, and the 19th festival in 2011 attracted almost a million people at the site for five days of festival.
Annual archaeological festival at the Jeongokri site attracted huge visitors and made public and government pay attention to the site. Eventually, new ‘Jeongok Prehistory Museum’ was open April 2011, which was funded by central and provincial government. This example shows that festival at site may provide a significant means of promotion of public awareness and attraction of people to site. It also reminds us a simple principle; the most active use of a site would introduce the best solution of preservation for archaeological site.
Keywords: Jeongokri, Acheulean-type handaxes, Festival, Jeongok Prehistory Museum.
References: Hanyong Lee Importance and Usage of Jeongok-ri Paleolithic Sites in Korea. Universum Humanitarium 2018. # 2. P. 106–117.