The improving of efficiency development of entrepreneurship sectors from the european north of Russia

Аrshak М. Zargaryan
1. Cherepovets State University, Russia
The material was received by the Editorial Board: 27/01/2018


The article is devoted to the actual problems of efficiency development of entrepreneurship sectors. The research is done in case of entrepreneurship agents, which are functioning in the European North of Russia. The main research purpose is to increase the efficiency of functioning priority entrepreneurship sectors from the European North of Russia. Based on system-oriented and process-oriented methods it’s established that entrepreneurship agents doesn’t use the elements of strategic management. In the majority entrepreneurship sectors of European North of Russia operational decisions do not provide the competitiveness of business in the long-term period. Besides, in the government regulation there is no regional strategy of entrepreneurships development. There is confirmed the hypothesis as to that entrepreneurship agents prefer to have no expenses connected with the implementation of strategic development programs. For this reason the activity of entrepreneurship agents is unpredictable, the possibility of enlargement using with low efficiency. It is justified the introduction of strategic decisions in small and medium entrepreneurship agents activity. It is proposed the mechanism of developing entrepreneurships regional strategy. Based on market planning instruments the method of industry risks management is offered. The total results of research could be of interest as for the entrepreneurship agents from European North of Russia, which do not apply strategic planning elements, as for the regional governments.


small and medium entrepreneurship, investments, government support, strategic management, European North of Russia, sectors effectiveness, sectors risks


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References: Zargaryan А.М. The improving of efficiency development of entrepreneurship sectors from the european north of Russia. World of Economics and Management. 2018. vol. 18, 2. P. 49–68. DOI: 10.25205/2542-0429-2018-18-2-49-68