Decondensation of the preamble in spontaneous Russian

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 23.02.2017
The purpose of the article is to study the communicative structure of the preamble in spontaneous Russian discourse on the basis of the data of frequency-distribution analysis of the components that form part of its composition. According to the quantitative data obtained, one-component preambles prevail in the speech of informants. The high frequency of single-component preambles reflects the tendency to use in speech compact thematic constructions that are sufficient for understanding the content by the interlocutor. Among the components that make up the preamble, the highest frequency characterizes linking words, what is connected with the fundamental function of these segments in the coherent speech. In multicomponent preambles, there is a process of decondensation, or decomposition into separate parts, as a result of the parataxis of syntactically independent discourse segments of thematic and modal content. The degree of decondensation of the preamble is inversely proportional to that of the rheme: the larger the preamble, the more compact the rheme.

Keywords: decondensation, preamble, connector, modus, thematic frame, rheme, actual division, discourse.
References: Khaldoyanidi, A. K. Decondensation of the preamble in spontaneous Russian. NSU Vestnik Journal, Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 15, 2. P. 61–69.