Submission Instructions for Foreign Authors

The instructions are directly and exclusively addressing foreign authors who do not know Russian and can for this reason submit an article in English only without translating some of its sections into Russian. Bilingual authors from Russia and English-speaking countries have to follow the Instructions for authors in the Russian part of the site.

  • Accepted will be articles in English which reflect results of original scientific research. They should be in line with the profile and scope of the Journal listed at Papers simultaneously sent for publication to other journals will be rejected or retracted (withdrawn) if published.
  • Monitoring of unauthorized citation relies on using Antiplagiarism and CrossCheck systems. In case of borrowings, the NSU Vestnik Journal, Series Linguistics and Intercultural Communication acts in accordance with the COPE rules. The Journal defines Plagiarism as appropriation of scientific ideas, results and texts or using all of these without quoting or citing their sources in due form. Plagiarism is not accepted. Borrowings from earlier works of the author (that is “self-plagiarism”) mustn’t exceed 20%.
  • The regular size of the paper is about 40 000 characters with spaces.
  • The title of the paper should briefly and accurately reflect its content and the subject matter of the research. The papers by foreign authors are to be provided with English titles only.

Please follow the example below:


Ilya L. Azerkovich

National Research University, Higher School of Economics,

21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Str., Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation

  • Abstract length varies from 2000 to 2500 characters with spaces. The abstract should be written in English and, if possible, in Russian.

    The abstract conforms to a formal structure (explicitly or implicitly):

    Introduction, stating the problem of the article and its purpose;
    Methods implemented and Materials used if the research is basically empirical;
    Results and Discussion, assessing the results and briefly arguing the author’s hypothesis, and; 
    Conclusions. The results and their assessment serve as a basis for conclusions summarizing all the major sections and formulating the author’s claims as well as further research.

    If explicit, the sections of the abstract should be highlighted with appropriate subheadings.

  • Keywords should accurately reflect in terms of the chosen methodological approach the author’s main ideas and views in order to get easily searchable identifiers of the author’s original contribution. The recommended number of keywords and, if necessary, phrases is from 5 to 10. Keywords must be provided in English.
  • Acknowledgments are written in compliance with western practice and formats. Expressing gratitude to reviewers, including anonymous ones, is considered to be good style. 
  • The author is free to structure his/her paper in the way they choose. At least four sections are, nevertheless, mandatory:

    Introduction; Literature Review with state-of-the art analysis; Methods and Materials (empirical basis); Results; Discussion and Conclusions. These sections may be given specific headings.

    Please write your text in Standard English: American, British, Australian, Canadian or other usages are accepted, but not a mixture of these. Authors are recommended to keep to formal written style of English characteristic of linguistic works. Foreign authors who feel their English language manuscript may need editing to meet the requirements of Scientific English may find it helpful to use an English Language Editing service. 

  • References to journals included in the global science citation indices are recommended, but not limited to. It is advisable that authors use at least 15 sources. The list of references should include only sources quoted or mentioned in the text of the article.

    References include the authors' names, journal (email address), date of publication, volume (issue), number, pages as shown below.

    URL or DOI must be indicated, if available.

    The list of references is to be provided in English.

    Please follow the examples below.

    Articles in scholarly journals

    Bucholtz M. You da man: Narrating the racial other in the production of White masculinity // Journal of Sociolinguistics, 1999. № 3(4). P. 443–460.

      Books and monographs

    Mintzes J. J., Wandersee J. H., Novak J. D. Assessing Science Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego: Academic Press, 2000. 407 р. URL: (accessed 05.02.2018).

    Lippi-Green R. English with an Accent: Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the U.S. New York, Routledge, 2012, 360 p.

    Conference proceedings and articles from collective monographs

    Wu Z., Palmer M. Verb semantics and lexical selection // Proceedings of ACL-94. 1994. С. 133–138.

    Dovidio J.F., Glick P., Rudman L.A. Introduction: Reflecting on The Nature of Prejudice: Fifty Years after Allport // On the nature of prejudice: fifty years after Allport / Ed. by J.F. Dovidio, P. Glick, L.A. Rudman. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2005. P.1-16.

  • Information about authors is added after the References and must include: last and first names, scientific degree, title, affiliation, position, ORCID, Author ID in the Russian Science Citation Index (if available), e-mail. 
  • Contribution of authors. At the end of the manuscript, authors should include notes, which explain the actual contribution of each co-author to the work. Information about contribution of authors is to be provided in English.
  • Information about conflicts of interests. The article should indicate a real or potential conflict of interests. If there is no conflict of interests, then you should state that “the author declares that there is no conflict of interests”.

Manuscript Format Guidelines

  • The manuscript should be typed in the Microsoft Word text processor for Windows (.doc, .docx, .rtf.): sheet size – A4, Times New Roman font, font size — 14, interline spacing — 1.5. Manual hyphenation is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to use double spaces in the text, as well as to indent (red line) using spaces.
  • The format for in-text references is as follows: [Spencer, 1947. P. 71]. A few footnotes with personal remarks and comments are accepted.
  • All titles, signatures and structural elements of graphs, tables, charts, etc., are to be provided in English.  
  • Figures are presented in raster or vector format (.gif, .jpg, .tif, .cdr.) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. They should allow text editing. Maximum figure size is 190 × 270 mm. For pictures the recommended dimensions are 100 × 150 mm. Font size for legend and captions cannot be less than 9. You should not change the original electronic format of your graphical objects. All of them are placed in the text of the article, as well as sent additionally as separate files. All graphical displays should be brought to a single style, while respecting the uniformity of their design. Graphs, charts and diagrams may be drawn up in WinWord or Microsoft Excel.