Epic formulas with a quantitative value in the text of the Yakut olonkho

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 01.11.2017
The paper is concerned with the structural-semantic analysis of epic formulas expressing singularity of children in the classic epic texts of Yakut Olonkho “Kyys Debiliye” and “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift (Stremitelny)”. The most regular epic formulae used to express love and affection for the only daughter are revealed, and their structural and semantic peculiarities are described. For the most complete description of lexical-semantic and grammatical structure of epic formulas a morpheme-for-morpheme method of glossing was used consistent with the Leipzig rules of text representation.

Keywords: Yakut language, functional grammar, quantitative category, lexical-grammatical means of expression, epic formulae, Olonkho, singleness
References: Ivanova, I. B. Epic formulas with a quantitative value in the text of the Yakut olonkho. NSU Vestnik Journal, Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 15, 4. P. 37–42. DOI: 10.25205/1818-7935-2017-15-4-37-42