Outdated and infrequent words in Alexander Pushkin's novel "The shot" in the Mongolian language

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 02.03.2018
The article deals with the translation of outdated and infrequent words in Alexander Pushkin's novel «The Shot» into the Mongolian language. This is one of the first works of Alexander Pushkin translated into Mongolian. The main purpose of this study is to identify ways to translate this kind of words from Russian into Mongolian. The method of reverse translation was used to check the accuracy of the translation of such lexicon. Several outdated and infrequent words have been found in the novel. For example, surtuk - a frock-coat, traktir - a tavern, mazanka - a wattle and daub, etc. The word frock-coat is translated as a hurem, but this word designates a jacket of Chinese or Manchu costume, the tavern is translated as guanz (Chinese word which designates a cafe, restaurant). The last word can be translated by word combination buurchiin gazar 'an inn with meals'. Among many other words, the word «mazanka» was correctly translated as shavar bayshin (literally: clay house). The Mongolian author translated this novel very well, but some outdated and infrequent words are translated inaccurately. He found his own national equivalents to such words. Unfortunately, they do not match the meanings of the words in the original text.

Keywords: Mongolian language, translation, equivalents, outdated and infrequent words, translation.
References: Tsyrenov, B.D. Outdated and infrequent words in Alexander Pushkin's novel "The shot" in the Mongolian language. NSU Vestnik Journal, Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 16, 2. P. 122–126. DOI: 10.25205/1818-7935-2018-16-2-122-126