Comparative Analysis of Coronavirus-Related Discursive Metaphors in PRC and ROK Media

The material was received by the Editorial Board: 11.07.2020
This article aims to compare the metaphorical representation of coronavirus in the Chinese and South Korean media. The theoretical basis of the research is Discursive Theory of Metaphor, which regards metaphor as an integral part of the discourse, as a cognitive frame that has functioned within the discourse over time. Critical Metaphor Analysis methodology (by Charteris-Black) is used to analyze metaphors. 750 headings and leads of coronavirus news reports in Chinese and 2000 headings and leads in Korean were used as the research material. The study found that the metaphorical models of the virus in Chinese and Korean media are practically similar: VIRUS is an ENEMY / OPPONENT; NATURAL DISASTER / PHENOMENA; LIVING BEING; REASON FOR FEAR. At the same time there are significant differences in quantitative distribution of metaphors and in metaphorical implications. By studying news reports, we can trace the models of public opinion formation in the framework of two distinct political systems.

coronavirus, war metaphor, media discourse, metaphorical model, representation
References: Kalinin O. I., Mavleeva D. V. Comparative Analysis of Coronavirus-Related Discursive Metaphors in PRC and ROK Media. Vestnik NSU. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 2020. Vol. 18, 4. P. 99–109. DOI: 10.25205/1818-7935-2020-18-4-99-109